Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dedrick issues

Lately we've had issues with Dedrick when it comes to contributing to the family.  He doesn't feel that it's fair for him to do chores on the weekend or fair for him to do chores when his sister doesn't have to.  Though we plan to start introducing Lily to her own responsibility since she's three now.  I just haven't decided what it's going to be.

He will drag his feet and take as much time as he possibly can.  Having him clean for just 5 minutes a day caused him to go even slower in hopes that he won't actually get anything done and I'd let him go at he picked up a piece of trash.  Not the case.  So, he's been promised an allowance and a chance to save up for a new fishing pole if he does the chores he's been given and actually makes a real effort when he does them.

Though we've run across a new issue.  Well, not so much new, but an issue that's become worse.  Lying and obvious lying at that.  He's a terrible liar.  He tells you that things that could not have possibly happened happen or that he's done things that he couldn't have possibly done.  No, Dedrick, we know you didn't put the wipes in the truck because you never left the house when you were cleaning the living room.  No, Dedrick, we know you didn't put the wipes in the backpack because it was in the truck.  Dedrick, we know you were eating off of your sister's plate because we saw you doing it.  Not to mention the fact you threw a piece of bread that was hers back at her plate in an attempt to get rid of the evidence.

He's a cute kid and when he's good he's really good.  I know he can be good.  He is so well behaved in school.  He's constantly bringing home those good behavior tickets and stopped getting bad behavior punches in school.  Shoot I know he can behave for my inlaws and my parents.  He's the perfect child at their house.  Yet, he can't behave at home.  Though...based on behavior of some children I know that can't even behave when other people are watching them I should at least be glad that he behaves when he's with someone different right?


  1. He's always going to push and test boundaries with you, since you're who he is most comfortable with. And I would argue, yes, it is a very good thing that he behaves well outside of the house. To me, it shows that he understands how to behave.

    It's frustrating when they push, though. :P

  2. Yeah, there is that. I'm very proud of how he behaves when we go out for things.
