Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things my parents said...and some they shouldn't have

I find the longer I parent the more I say certain things my parents used to tell me as a child.  They drove me up the wall, but I swear it just comes out.  Apparently I was listening.

"Look with your eyes, not with your hands."
"I'm not telling you this to hear myself talk"
"I'm running away and I'm changing my name"
"Prior planning prevents piss poor performance"

I'm sure there are more things.  There are also things I refuse to say to my children that my parents said to me because it's just not something you say to a child.

"You're so dumb when god was handing out brains you thought he said trains and told him you didn't want any"
"You must secretly dye your hair brown over night."
"Don't make me give you a reason to cry."


I just hope I stick to the list above and never dwell to the list of soul crushing comments below.  Parenting is about learning from our parent's mistakes right?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 11 - turning point in your life

The turning point in my life was becoming a mother.  I have become a calmer person since having my children.  Which is saying a lot because I was even more of a fly off the handle kind of person when I was younger.  Now I'm only really impatient when it's that time of the month or I'm pregnant.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 10 - favorite candy

I love mint.  I love mint flavored candies.  I love almost all mint flavored candies.  Pair it with dark chocolate and it's even better, but honestly the part I love the most is the mint.

Day 9 - favorite tv show

My favorite show is Psych.  I love the weird 80's references and the corny jokes.  I love that for the most part it's light hearted.  Life is depressing enough as it is.  I don't want depressing when I'm looking to relax.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 8 - favorite animated character

I have to say I've always been a fan of the classics.  I will always love Snoopy because he was just too cool.

Day 7 - favorite movie

My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption.  Kind of hard to draw when you suck at art.  So, I tried to go for symbols from the movie.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 6 - favorite book

For those of you who know me this should have been an easy guess.  It also happened to be my favorite book that was the easiest to draw.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 5 - best friend

This is supposed to be Greg.  He's my best friend.  He even helps me garden.

I decided to post a picture instead.

Day 4 - Favorite place

Right now my favorite place is my bed because I don't get a lot of sleep.  Sleep be are my friend.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 2 - A favorite animal

Day 1 - Myself

30 day art challenge

I'm doing the crazy and adding one more thing to my day.

Though this is a good thing.  I'm going to take some time for myself doing something creative.  I'm taking a 30 day art challenge.  I'm doing this with some friends in hopes that it will help me stick to it.

These friends are also participating, Amanda and Katie.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

You're doing it wrong...

I love my SO.  I love that he's a great father to our children.  I love that he's started cooking meals when I'm way too busy to do so.  I also love that he tries to help with the chores.

I just wish that when he did them I wouldn't have to redo them behind him most of the time.  Like the dishes.  I just need a constructive way to tell him that he's doing it wrong without coming across as nagging.  It's frustrating to walk up to the dishwasher not only are all the setting wrong, but he's using cold water.  When you turn on the cold water you're washing the dishes with COLD water.  You have to turn the hot water on.  Since we live in an older home I don't have a handy built in dishwasher.  I have one of those roll away ones.  Awesome.

Then there's the whole I put everything in the fridge even though some produce shouldn't go in the fridge.  Putting it in the fridge causes it to lose it's flavor...like tomatoes.  This is one of those things we argue about.  We argue about stupid things.  Though honestly with the whole one income thing it could be a lot worse and there's the fact we never do it in front of the children.  That's a plus right?

Either way...tips on telling him that he's doing it wrong without it coming across as nagging please.  I am really starting to lose my mind over this.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I don't need diamonds

Greg and I are engaged.  Well, anyone would know that if they spent some time listening to me talk about him.

I don't have an engagement ring.  Why?  I don't need diamonds.  I don't need a ring to tell me how much Greg loves me.  I know he loves me when he helps me with the chores.  When he takes the children out of the house because he knows it's important for me to have quiet time to myself.  It's in everything he does for our children and how he puts us first as often as he can.  Diamonds are just material goods that look pretty.  I think what I have is much better than any piece of jewelry can do for me.

We'll get married...eventually, but that's another story altogether.  Yes, even married I'll still continue to not need a diamond, but that's just how I am.  Weird.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Easter is coming

How do you feel about the Easter bunny?  How do you handle the "candy situation"?  Does your family give your children too much candy for the holiday?  How do you handle it?

I am not a huge fan of Easter.  For me it's a wasted holiday.  That might be because I'm Agnostic, but I don't like it.  Actually I don't like most holidays.  I celebrate them because I have children who love holidays.  Not to say I don't like to celebrate things.  I just don't like to be compelled to do so.  I also don't appreciate it when my inlaws treat me like I'm an idiot because I don't know when Good Friday is.  I don't care about Good Friday.  Good Friday can kiss my ass.

For me I'd dislike the day if I didn't suddenly have much more candy than I would ever need in my house.  My strategy?  I throw out a piece of candy every day.  Yes, I throw away candy.  Two gallon sized containors of candy is way too much candy for two children.  Add to that anything my MIL decides to give them as well.  I like the egg hunting.  It's cute.  I can understand the want to use plastic eggs.  What I don't understand is why they need so much candy?

How much candy do you give?  How into Easter are you?  Do you have any special Easter traditions?

We don't give candy for Easter.  We give out a small toy or in the case of one year I got Dedrick a Packers Jersey that I found on clearance.  We stopped giving candy after my first year in the family because it was just way too much.  I want to trade some of the candy for the toy I give, but Greg says no because we hardly have candy in the house to begin with.  Whatever....I guess I'm just a health nut....or a sensible mother.  You decide...I'll still throw away candy even if you think I'm a health nut.  I'm just stubborn that way.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Your sanity...you need it

Dear mothers,
It's okay to take a break from your children.  It's okay to want to be away from your children.  Don't let people make you feel guilty because sometimes you wish they would go away.  If they spent all of their time around someone all the time they'd want that person to go away as well.

I periodically send Greg on "urgent" errands with the children just to get them out of the house.  Do I feel bad about it?  I used to and then I got over it.  I realized I'm a better parent when I get time to myself.  I need time where it's quiet to get my thoughts together.  Time where I'm not running around trying to do 3 things at the same time.  Actually everyone needs time like that.

So, tell the people who try to tell you that you should want to spend every waking moment tending to your child to get a life!  Eventually they're going to grow up and if you spent all your time being a mother you'd have nothing left when they move on with their lives.  That's a situation I don't want to end up in.
                                                                      Much love,
                                                                      A mostly sane mother

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hair stereotypes and the fall out they cause

The dumbest thing Greg and I argue about is hair.  Did you know that hair can cause arguments that makes you want to throw things at a wall because it's just that ridiculous?  The lack of evidence and assumptions are enough to make you want to pull YOUR hair out.

As some of you may have heard/noticed/whatever it appears that my youngest daughter will have some shade of red hair.  I wanted a red haired child because it's something different.  Most of the people in my family have brown hair.  Apparently my inlaws think I'm crazy because red heads are difficult, red heads don't listen, red heads are extremes, and I'll get all my grey hairs from this small child.  Greg tells me he should know because both of his sisters have red hair.

Your family is the worst example to go by.  I've met them.  I know other red heads.  It's a STEREOTYPE.  Stereotypes are assumptions people make about another group.  I also know that if you treat someone like you expect a certain behavior from them they won't fail to produce.  It's basic Psychology 101.  Even the basest of people realize that.  Just like I was told I would regret wanting a daughter.  Do I regret it?  No.  As a matter of fact right now Lily is the easiest of my children to deal with.

Assumptions, stereotypes, and the like just annoy me to no end.  This is a point of contention for us.  I just don't know how to convince him how stupid it is.  Then again him being as stubborn as he is he just brushes it off.

I'm not crazy.  I refuse to believe that me thinking red heads could possibly be something other than bitchy is crazy.  His sisters are bitchy because his mother is bitchy.  She has never been a red head.  Case closed.