Thursday, March 31, 2011

Breastfeeding, Parenting gone lazy

I breastfeed my daughter.  I know all the rhetoric about how it's healthier and it's supposed to be better for them in the long run.  However in the right now it's because I'm LAZY.

Yes, I just said it's because I'm lazy.  I hate sanitizing bottles, mixing formula, and getting bottles ready in the middle of the night.  I breastfeed because washing the bottles means taking a shower and I don't have to make sure I pack enough formula when I go places.  Nor do I have to worry about whether the place I'm going is going to have a place for me to warm up the bottle.  I am a portable food source.  As long as I eat and stay hydrated I ALWAYS have enough food.

So, yes let parents tell you they breastfeed because it's better for their children.  I'm pretty sure part of the reason is actually because they're lazy too.


  1. Love this!

    I also did it because I'm cheap. Formula is expensive.

  2. Yeah, there is also that. Even with WIC I'd be buying formula. So, I'm not only lazy. I'm also cheap.
