Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sanity and my attempt to restore it

With Greg's schedule and my need for quiet time I am attempting something I would never do if it weren't for the fact I'm so desperate for alone time.

I started setting my alarm clock a half an hour earlier.

I desperately need the quiet time to myself.  It's a little too early to say how well it's working though.  Especially since today it took my alarm 18 minutes to wake me up.  Though the fact my daughter is now crying in her crib is probably a sign that I need to give this more time.  I'm hoping after a few weeks of this that I'll be used to waking up a little earlier.  I'm hoping the effect will be a calmer happier mommy.  My children deserve a calmer happier mommy.

What do you do to maintain your sanity?  Do you stay up a little later some nights?  Do you get up a little extra early in the morning?  Do you have a male to help you?  Is it the ride to work that helps?

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