Saturday, September 24, 2011

Asthma is no fun

I speak from personal experience when I say that asthma is no fun.  It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone.  I actually have multiple triggers and that makes it even more annoying.

This is not about me though, it's about my son.  He has asthma and I kind of knew right away that he did because as active as he is if he ran or got really excited he would cough.  He's a very active child and he was not at all lazy growing up.  He would just get winded very easily.  He also catches colds like I did as a child.  They just won't diagnose a child under a certain age with asthma just because he's wheezing.  They'll give you the Albuterol he needs, but they won't call it asthma.

He eventually had an actual asthma attack and I cried.  I felt bad for being right.

As of late he's been having more asthma attacks because one of his major triggers is weather.  He doesn't want to stand out in a state where people try to act tough in the winter.  Dedrick can't be the tough guy or he suffers for it.  The issue is explaining to a 7 year old who just wants to fit in with his friends.  I feel for the kid I really do.  I understand wanting to fit in, but I also don't want him to risk his health trying to do it.  So, we're going to sit down and talk about it.  Hopefully, I can get this through to him.

Do you have any experience with chronic illness?  How do you handle it if your child has it?

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